

This post is also available in: Türkçe (Turkish)

  • During analog to digital conversion with PIC the noise occurs
  • The problem is current from the supply because it does not absorb enough the noise ,We have developed a circuit for it (together with my brother) ;-)
  • Circuit transformer, capacitor and diode is comprised of. Operating logic, capacitors absorb noise.
  • Three output transformer should be selected. Because the output  (+9v)  (GND)  (-9v)
  • IMPORTANT! – Works with PIC s 5v circuit voltage of 5 volts should regulate, or PIC will be damage!!!.(9v>5v regulator circuit)

Required Materials

  1.  1 PCS – 130 mm x 60 mm Pertinaks
  2.  1 PCS – 2s Tunic Socket (220V for input)
  3.  1 PCS – Button  (220v for open-close )
  4.  1 PCS – 9v transformer (Three output transformer should be selected)
  5.  1 PCS  – B500C2300 Bridge Diode
  6.  2 PCS – 1000uf electrolytic  capacitor (50V)
  7.  2 PCS – 100 nf polyester Capacitors
  8.  1 PCS – 3k3 resistor
  9.  1 PCS – LED
  10.  3 PCS – Precision socket or other socket

Circuit Schematic

+9 gnd -9 v trafo devresi
+9 gnd -9 v trafo devresi şeması

Technical Documents

This post is also available in: Türkçe (Turkish)


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