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Using Load Cell With INA122 IC



What is Load Cell ?

You can see 20 kg load cell I used in the project.
The positions of load cell resistances are shown. It is important not to damage these areas.
Aluminum load cell is can be seen.

Technical Materials Required for Load Cell

Calibration Weight

Calibration Weight 5 kg
5 kg calibration weight with load cell.
You can see the use of weight

Base Plate

I used 8mm ST-37 for the load cell base. This will prevent stretching and twisting during work.
The base plate can be better understood here

Lifting Piece

4mm Metal lifting piece.
Load Cell and its operation


INA122 Amplifier Integration

INA122 Pins

INA122 Pin Functions

Pin Name Function
1 RG Gain Resistor. Calculation will be explained later
2 Vın(-) Input of the (-) the load cell
3 Vın(+) Input of the (+) the load cell
4 V- -5volt input is made (Note: it is not -5v GND.)
5 Ref INA122 reference. Connected to GND
6 Vo INA122 data output. Goes to PIC.
7 V+ Feeder + 5volt connected
8 RG The other leg of gain resistor is connected here

AD586  +5V Reference Integration

SOIC >DIP converter. It can SOIC type may facilitate the use of integrations

AD586 Pin Functions

Pin Name Function
1 TP No connection to be made
2 Vın Feeding input – Max +36V can be given
3 TP No connection to be made
4 GND Connects to GND
5 Trim Sets Output- 10k trimpot to be connected(multi turn)
6 Vout Referance voltage output
7 TP No connection to be made
8 P.A. Connects to GND with 1 uf


Load Cell Circuit

Load Cell Circuit Scheme


Necessary Materials

Sr.  Name  Quantity 
 1  Load Cell  1
 2  INA122 Integration  1
 3  AD586 Integration  1
 4  +5v/GND/-5v Power Supply  1
 5  10k Multi Purpose Trimpot  1
 6  Rg Resistance to be Calculated  1
7  1uf Elektrolite Condensator 1
8 0,1uf  Elektrolite Condensator 1
9  Pertinax 1
10 1k Resistance 1


Making Circuit

Calculation of INA122 Rg Resistor Calculator

The gauge is taken to the most precise position in DC Volt
Load cell gain measurement

Images From Circuit Setup

INA122 trial circuit 1
INA122 trial circuit 2
AD586 trial circuit 1
AD586 trial circuit 2


Doing Calibration

 Doing Proper ADC Settings for PIC

PIC18f46020 ADC registeri  ADCON1
void  main()
    unsigned int veri=0;
    char txt[15];
    TRISA.RA0=1;//analog giriş yapacağım pin giriş olarak ayarlandı
    TRISA.RA3=1;//Vref+ girişi
    CMCON=7;//komparatörler kapatılı

    SAP1024_INIT(240,128,6);//kendi GLCD kütüphanemi çağırdım

    while(1)//sonsuz döngü kurarak sürekli okuma yapacağım   
           delay_ms(100);//çok hızlı hareket olmaması için bekleme ekledim
           inttostr(veri,txt);//veriti stringe çevirdim - MikroC Kütüphanesi
           SAP1024_YAZI_YAZMA(10,10,txt);//Veriyi ekranda yazdırdım
Load Cell – first operation

Calculations of Calibration

Calibration of the load cell ADC using 5 kg weight
Load cell ADC peak point

Calculating Read Value As gr

void  main()
    unsigned int veri=0;
    char txt[15];
    TRISA.RA0=1;//analog giriş yapacağım pin giriş olarak ayarlandı
    TRISA.RA3=1;//Vref+ girişi

    CMCON=7;//komparatörler kapatılı

    SAP1024_INIT(240,128,6);//kendi GLCD kütüphanemi çağırdım

    while(1)//sonsuz döngü kurarak sürekli okuma yapacağım   
           delay_ms(100);//çok hızlı hareket olmaması için bekleme ekledim
           //bölme işlemi aşağıda yapıldı
           inttostr((veri/0.056),txt);//veriti stringe çevirdim - MikroC Kütüphanesi
           SAP1024_YAZI_YAZMA(10,10,txt);//Veriyi ekranda yazdırdım

Load cell – 5 kg weight read from GLCD
Load cell – final weight to be measured 18 kg

Gauge Sensitivity Measurement

Experiment Video





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