Ozon üreteci PCB sinin 3D görüntüsü KiCAD den görülmektedir., ozone

Ozone Generator PCB and Software

Ozone Generator PCB and Software

  • I designed the circuit board necessary to control an industrial ozone generator.
  • A simple circuit mounted on a perforated board was initially provided by the customer.
  • The circuit was professionally re-designed from scratch, including the addition of a PIC MCU.
  • Due to the need for precise timing, I wrote the software using MikroC on the PIC.
  • At the end of the project, the generator worked synchronously.
  • Tasks Completed in the Project:
    • Circuit design 
    • Circuit schematic drawing
    • Printed circuit board (PCB) design
    • Preparation of GERBER files
    • Addition or removal of necessary circuit components
    • Development and uploading of control software
    • Training and support were provided to the customer for later timing adjustments.

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