Pratik kamp çantası perspektif görüntüsü - kurulu,camping

Portable Camping Set

Portable Camping Set

  • A practical and portable camping set project that allows campers to carry multiple items together.
  • The design was finalized after extensive collaboration with the customer.
  • Consultation was also provided to the customer on production processes and methods for faster, more accurate, and cost-effective manufacturing.
  • Tasks Completed in the Project:
    • Complete product design
    • Preparation of 3D-2D and assembly drawings of the parts
    • Selection of ready-made materials
    • System design
    • Detailed preparation of manufacturing drawings
    • Preparation of laser cutting data
    • Preparation of bending data
    • Preparation of the presentation for patent application
    • Detailed assembly drawings were prepared due to the high number of assembly components

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