Sürgülü Klape

Sliding Damper

Sliding Damper

  • A giant sliding damper project requested by Habaş to control the air going to the sheet metal production furnaces.
  • This device was actually produced solely to control the airflow.
  • Since the previous designs did not fully open and close, I redesigned it from scratch with a different approach.
  • The machine was designed to allow maintenance without being removed from its position.
  • What I did in the project:
    • The entire system was designed from scratch.
    • The internal mechanism was designed to withstand hot air but still allow external maintenance.
    • The covers were ensured to fully open.
    • An air piston system was used instead of a chain system.
    • The product was manufactured at the company I worked for at the time and delivered to the customer.
  • The operation during assembly is shown below. The separate closing of the covers was corrected by adjusting from the air collector.

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Çalışmalarım çocukken başladı kolonyalı kağıtları yakmak, ilaçları birbirine katmak gibi değişik deneylerim vardı. Kimya kitabında elektroliz ile suyun hidrojen ve oksijene ayrıldığı ve hidrojenin yandığını yazıyordu, o zamanlarda aklım almıyordu sudan nasıl yanan....Devamını okumak için tıklayınız ;)