Akıllı saat giriş menusu arayüz,smart

Smart Watch

Smart Watch

  • A smart watch project developed at a university
  • The project was only tested in a simulation environment, and I am not aware if it was brought to life.
  • I wrote the code in C language using MikroC.
  • The circuit simulation with a set of sensors included the following features:
    • Reminds you to drink 6 glasses of water per day
    • Measures your heart rate
    • Allows you to set reminder alarms for the days and times to take your medications
    • Measures the ambient humidity and temperature
  • All icons related to the project were edited by me to be compatible with the project.
  • After being fully functional, the project was delivered with the simulation.
  • You can watch the full working system in the video below.

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Çalışmalarım çocukken başladı kolonyalı kağıtları yakmak, ilaçları birbirine katmak gibi değişik deneylerim vardı. Kimya kitabında elektroliz ile suyun hidrojen ve oksijene ayrıldığı ve hidrojenin yandığını yazıyordu, o zamanlarda aklım almıyordu sudan nasıl yanan....Devamını okumak için tıklayınız ;)