Titreşimli Elek, sieve

Vibrating Sieve

Vibrating Sieve

  • The customer requested a project because they could not have a very high-speed it built due to the use of a very fine mesh.
  • A sieve suitable for the mixer and manually operable was made according to the customer’s request.
  • This it, which its ceramic clay, operates at a speed of 1500 rpm.
  • Tasks Completed in the Project:

    • Entire design
    • Selection of a vibration motor suitable for the desired speed
    • Appropriate size and collection chamber for the mixing tank
    • Design of a vibration damping system to prevent the entire cart from shaking during operation
    • Special mounting method to secure the micron sieve at high speeds
    • The product was manufactured at the private company I worked for at the time and delivered to the customer.

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Çalışmalarım çocukken başladı kolonyalı kağıtları yakmak, ilaçları birbirine katmak gibi değişik deneylerim vardı. Kimya kitabında elektroliz ile suyun hidrojen ve oksijene ayrıldığı ve hidrojenin yandığını yazıyordu, o zamanlarda aklım almıyordu sudan nasıl yanan....Devamını okumak için tıklayınız ;)